What to do with your Walls, Ceilings, Floors

Your Surfaces Matter!

One of the firsts of your renovation choices would be what to do with your surfaces. Your Walls, your Ceilings and your Floors. For owners who don’t have a clear vision of what they want, most will go with the safest choices–plain surfaces. Surely furnishings will make up for whatever is lacking right? However, the houses below show just how much difference a decorated surface makes. These houses below aren’t just run off the mill houses. They are houses with big character.


Walls walls walls, we need less of them around! Open concept living has been in trend for the past decade or so, with owners opting to break down walls that can be broken down. And with the walls they can’t break down– here’s what they do with them.

For the playful

Of course brick walls are nothing new, and might even be considered a common staple in most trendy households. However, the house below switches it up by juxtaposing the white brick wall with a pastel yellow background. This softens the industrial vibes of brick walls, with owners getting the best of both worlds.

Singapore hdb bto interior design

Consistent with the pastel colours trend shown above, the houses below are also huge fans of pastels. But to top it up, a common thread holds them together

singapore geometric wall hdb btogeometric wall singapore interior designsingapore pastel cheerful hdb hdb bto interior design singapore

Geometric patterns are the new honeybees of homeowners! Honeycombs, triangles, and angular lines give an edgy punch to these houses. Coupled with the myriad of colours utilised, such feature walls definitely add good cheer to the house!

For the artists

macdonalds visual graphic wall singaporegraphic design wall singapore interior design

For the artist residing within you, the wall is your canvas. Pick up your paintbrush and doodle away at your wall! Unleash the child in you and this time round, no fear of getting scolded by your parents for tarnishing their pristine walls. Make a statement and show your idiosyncrasies through your walls.

For the Nostalgic

Peranakan mosaic tiles old school

Alternatively, if you are a fan of the old school charm, you can utilise mosaic tiles to spice up your dull wall. These peranakan inspired mosaic tiles evoke a sense of nostalgia, a kampung kitchen vibe. It results in a beautiful collision between the modern and the old world.

Safe Bet Browns

cork wal brown modern interior hdb wood feature wall interior design

Brown, a basic colour on most home’s palettes. Especially if you’ve already purchased your furniture and can’t deviate too much this neutral colour. However, this doesn’t give you an excuse not to be creative! Cork walls+brick walls/ Honeycomb floor tiles+ wood laminate floor/ Track lights+pendant lamps. The first home has got all his surfaces covered! If you can’t make up your mind, this owner shows that daring matches can still conjure a cohesive whole.

For the Trendy

trendy hip hdb flattrendy hip modern hdb light neon installation bedroom

The houses above show an eclectic mix of hip and trendy elements.  Recall events like Artbox/ iLights where people clamoured to take photos with the container boxes and neon lights. Why bother if you’ve a house that looks just like that. The container box inspired feature walls and neon light statements will make your house look like an underground hip place to be. Indeed, sweet dreams are made of this.


As opposed to plain ol homogenous tiles or parquet, new homeowners are exploring options of laminate flooring and intricately designed tiles. Choose the right tiles and the whole house will be your dance floor! Decorated floorings are a subtle alternative if you don’t want a decorated feature wall. Different flooring options within the house also effectively demarcate space from space, without the need of walls.

flooring mosaic tiled hdb Jurong west hdb bto interior design

Owners in these households cleverly used mosaic tiles to demarcate the different living spaces. Though some will not be fans of such ‘incohesive’ design. It definitely has more character than homogeneity. Fancy having a mosaic tiled walkway to strut out of your bedroom every morning!
Also, Cafes and restaurants have long been big on concrete floors. Transplant such a style into homes? It gives the house an effortlessly dressed up, unapologetically bare and raw look.

honeycomb flooring singapore

This household employed honeycomb flooring to add fun to their lounge area. Such cheery flooring facilitates one to unleash their playful self. Consider this as a great addition for balconies or game rooms.

What to do with your Walls, Ceilings, Floors

Laminate floorings open up a whole world of options with the varieties available. The patterned bedroom floor complements the island vacation vibes that owners are trying to achieve.  


It may well be considered a taboo to do anything fanciful to your ceilings. Interior designers almost always advise white ceilings so as the create a sense of airiness and space. Yet creative options are still plentiful for your plain ceiling.

ceiling cat design cute hdb

A cat walkway! If you haven’t noticed, the wooden planks on the walls and ceilings are not shelves but spaces for his beloved cat to roam about. A fun seeking owner with his playful spirit expressed through the colourful pendant lamps too.

decorative lighting singapore hdb

A centrepiece pendant lamp above your dining to spice up dinner time. The heavy looking metal pendant lamp above is mellowed when paired with blossoms. Since the decorative blossoms can be changed relatively easily, you can surely change the settings for different occasions, surprising your dinner guests each time round.

pipeline industrial ceiling singapore hdbsingapore hdb industrial pipeline

Track lights, spotlights, black pipelines and retro pendant lamps. These elements are almost analogous to the industrial style. Explore the boundlessness of your ceilings with these additions

funnel lamps glass kitchen

This classic funnel shaped glass lamp will be a classy addition to your island table. Let’s not forget the two lamps in the top left corner disguised as balloons, they make everyday seem like an occasion!

Have the houses above inspired you on what to do with your surfaces? If you are a new home owner with a blank canvas to explore, go ahead with bold choices! They bring forth the greatest individuality. There’s no greater satisfaction than taking charge of your home’s interior design and seeing it materialise. Let the surfaces take centrestage and shine.




Article: Screed.com.sg
Photo Cr: Qanvast.